

The office building is located in the Ramersdorf/Oberkassel district on a corner plot between Oberkasseler Strasse and Königswinterer Strasse, which forms the main street of the Oberkassel district.

The site is located near the Rhine, in the area of Bonn on the right bank of the Rhine and is connected to Bonn’s federal district and the Bonn Rheinaue via the Konrad Adenauer Bridge. According to various appraisers, the fund property is located in or in the direct vicinity of the “Am Bonner Bogen” office location, which has been newly developed in recent years and has the lowest vacancy rate and highest rents alongside the Bundesviertel.

The tenancy with our general tenant has been firmly agreed until August 2027.


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  • Object type: Office building
  • Location: Bonn, Oberkasseler Str. 2-4
  • Surface area: approx. 28,400 m²
  • Main tenant: GMG/German Telekom
  • Year of construction: 1992
  • Parking lots: 400
  • Owner: Closed-end real estate fund