Our specialists

Our 200 employees combine experience and expertise with a passion for development:


“Whether comprehensive property accounting or property management accounting: our experienced team is your reliable partner even for tricky tasks. In addition to complete general ledger, accounts receivable and accounts payable accounting, our services also include the preparation of your operating cost statements. We provide you with all the relevant figures for your advance VAT return and reports on a permanent basis and, of course, always in a professional and timely manner using the latest real estate-specific IT programs.”

Marita Schmidt, Head of Accounting | General Manager

Business Development & Innovation

“With professionalism, enthusiasm and the latest scientific findings from consumer research, our retail managers develop the greatest possible appeal for your retail property. Our regular support and collaboration with university research projects such as the KIT or RWTH Aachen and the early use of the latest digital platforms from start-ups (such as Quantrefy) enable us and our clients to always keep our focus on the way forward.”

Cengiz Herrmann, Executive Director Business Development & Innovation | General Manager

Center Management

Rita Phieler Center Manager

“As center managers, we create an optimal balance in the center: Retailers want to stabilize and increase sales in the long term. Our center customers want to shop in a clean and safe center, receive a friendly welcome and receive service-oriented advice. In turn, our investors are interested in lucrative rental income, optimised management costs and an intact building fabric. This requires many years of experience, in-depth knowledge of current market developments and a good feel for relevant trends.”

Rita Phieler, Center Manager Dollart Center Emden

Commercial Acquisition & (Re)Development

“As a project developer, we have developed a wide range of properties in recent years. From project development or re-development to general planning, letting and construction management through to long-term center management: we provide you with the entire value chain. We find the optimal size for your location and develop shopping centers and retail parks to meet your needs. Thanks to our proximity to our retailers, we know their requirements and speak the same language – a real win-win situation.”

Armin Elsen, Head of Commercial Acquisition & (Re)Development


“As the company’s own ‘auditor’, I am part of our interdisciplinary team that constantly analyzes the properties we manage for potential savings and further development – and does so at an early stage. As a fully integrated real estate service provider, this allows us to always guarantee the best possible economic operation of our properties.”

Ralf Esser, CFO | General Manager


DI Group Benedikt Jagdfeld, owner and managing director

“Whether for our own properties or for third parties – we have been realizing financing deals worth billions for almost 40 years. We have extensive experience with national and international banks, insurance companies, family offices, private equity funds and other investors and lenders. We can map all upstream and downstream processes such as structured bidding procedures in cooperation with international brokerage companies or due diligence investigations with the major auditing companies. Financing is always a top priority for us. “

Benedikt Jagdfeld, Owner & CEO

Fund Management

DI specialist asset management

“As fund managers, we keep an eye on the long-term performance of the funds we manage by evaluating the property and market risks in a continuous process in order to achieve the best result for our investors. In portfolio management, we draw on the many years of expertise of our internal asset managers, whose sound planning safeguards our decisions and makes them transparent for investors. Another key success factor in our strict separation of portfolio and asset management is the regular assessment of our outsourced (real estate) services in terms of compliance, sustainability, standards of conduct and conflicts of interest.”

Thomas Kühl, Head of Fund Management | General Manager

IT administration

“We have an experienced, broad-based IT department that provides comprehensive support to our group of companies and its clients with in-house specialists. Whether cloud computing, remote desks, thin clients or conventional workstations on UNIX, Windows or Mac environments – we have the right solution for all requirements. We ensure the productivity of the group of companies via several widely distributed data centers and are constantly developing the solutions we use.”

Mathias Epperlein, CIO & IT Security Officer

Leasing Management

“We develop individual letting and sector concepts for our retail properties. Once these have been finalized, we bring them to life – we look for suitable tenants and create specific rental offers as well as optimal, innovative space concepts and negotiate the entire contract: flexibly, individually and fairly for all contractual partners. When developing conversion concepts, we also use our expertise and broad network for forward-looking retail concepts to work with our project development team to determine the most realistic possible increase in the value of the property in advance.”

Marius Lorenz, Head of Leasing

Marketing & Communication

Roland Hoffmann, Head of Marketing Jagdfeld Real Estate, Düren

“We bring heart and mind together and thus not only reach target groups, but people sustainably. The marketing strategies and the 360° marketing measures derived from them for all the properties we manage are therefore as individual as the people themselves.”

Roland Hoffmann, Head of Marketing

PR & Investor Relations


“Real estate projects have always generated media interest. In times of citizens’ initiatives, the internet and social media, professional media support is a mandatory standard for every project development if it is not to be doomed to failure from the outset. We analyze at an early stage who the key players are, how the population might feel about the project and actively seek contact with all those involved on site. The same naturally applies to all formal procedures, where we also work with the necessary degree of openness and transparency – and with good success.”

Dr. Christian Plöger, Head of Corporate Communications & Public Affairs

Property Management

“Our professional management of the economic and technical development of your retail or office property includes the management of external service providers, rental contract management and the preparation of service charge statements. The documentation of all measures provides a reliable basis for internal comparisons in order to recommend targeted optimization measures and increase the value of the property. We develop the proposals in our interdisciplinary team of specialists, but our clients naturally only ever have one point of contact.”

Michael Bünnagel, Head of Center & Property Management

Residential Property Management

“We are responsible for providing comprehensive support for the residential units managed by our private and institutional customers. Always friendly, competent and service-oriented – that is the triad that convinces our tenants. The result is low tenant fluctuation and short vacancy periods. Thanks to regular training for all employees, we are always ‘state of the art’ both legally and practically, making us a reliable partner for comprehensive property management. Our letting rates are proof of this.”

Ute Häuser, Assistant to Head of Residential Property Management

Technical Project (Re)Development

Project development specialists

“Our system always starts with an in-depth analysis of the existing quality of the location. The criteria for sustainable design and value-enhancing space potential for our projects are derived from this. Design consistency, attention to detail and ecological standards for the materials used are equally important. In our revitalization measures, we analyze architectural deficits and optimize economic efficiency, functionality and enjoyment of life in equal measure.”

Friedrich Wilhelm Zimmermann, Head of Technical Project (Re)Development

Technical Property Management

Dennis Adam

“We optimize management costs, e.g. through cost-efficient modernization, and thus constantly secure the value of the properties we manage. We regularly review all building structures, heating systems and technical facilities in terms of inventory, efficiency and resource consumption. In cooperation with our specialists at Jagdfeld Real Estate, we submit investment inquiries when systems or parts of buildings need to be replaced. We are therefore very familiar with the latest technology, such as ventilation systems with heat recovery.”

Dennis Adam, Head of Technical Property Management (West)